Where: on Google Suite
Edited by: Trajan’s Markets-Museum of the Imperial Fora, Archaeological Area of the Imperial Fora, Museum of the Ara Pacis, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini
Info and booking: 060608 every day from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
For: Middle and High Schools
Description and conduct of the activities: A critical approach to the past is an essential skill to have in one’s school curriculum,and is linked to an “active citizenship” and a civic conscience. In a city like Rome, such a formative path is outlined by the knowledge of one’s cultural heritage, and, therefore, by the analysis of the fundamental elements of Roman civilisation. Starting from the observation of some examples of the city’s heritage, like the Temple of Venus Genitrix in the Forum of Caesar,the Ara Pacis Augustae or the frieze in the temple of Apollo Sosianus,preserved in the Centrale Montemartini, and through a tale enriched by suggestive images, the meeting will take a look at Roman religion, outlining its most useful aspects (the ‘where and how’ of its rituals, and the intimate connection between religion, politics and society), in order to reflect on its pervasiveness in the daily life of imperial Rome.
Duration: 50 mins
Educational goals:
– understanding the historical dimension of the present both in terms of ideas and values, and comprehension of the architectural and artistic remains of the past;
– to understand the layered and “plural” dimension of the cultural and spiritual manifestations;
– to feel closer to the “other” compared to one’s self and experience, in the temporal dimension, and in relation to today, in the spatial and cultural dimension;
– to understand the relationship between an architecture and the socio-historical context of which it is expression;
– to approach the iconographic reading of an artwork and understand how shapes and images persist over time, maintaining or changing their meaning;
– to know and “own” parts, monuments and artworks of one’s city.